In October 2022, we're heading to Plymouth, MI, for the Thermal Management Systems Symposium, where we'll be making two presentations: Calibration and Validation of Equivalent Circuit-Based Battery Models for Thermal Analysis and Three-Tool Coupling Methodology for Predictive Cabin Simulation.
SAE Thermal Management Systems Symposium Technical Session Schedule
Thermal Systems for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
The purpose of this session is to share experiences and lessons learned to advance technology in the field of thermal management of electric and hybrid vehicle systems. This session presents papers covering both testing and simulation of hybrid and electric vehicle thermal systems.
Room Grande Ballroom
Tuesday, October 4th
10:30 a.m.
Building a Virtual Development Process for A/C and Heater Performance: Three-Tool Coupling Methodology for Predictive Cabin Simulation Deniz Hinz, ThermoAnalytics Inc; Won-Sik Kim, Hyundai Motor Company.
11:30 a.m.
Calibration and Validation of Equivalent Circuit-Based Battery Models for ThermalAnalysis Zachary Edel, ThermoAnalytics Inc.; Paul Bergstrom, Michigan Technological University