The Human Thermal Extension provides the most progressive evaluation of human comfort.

Get a Quantitative Analysis of Human Thermal Comfort

The Human Thermal Extension comprises detailed human models to accurately simulate how the human will perform in transient and multi-dimensional scenarios. Engineering teams in cabin comfort, seat modeling, HVAC systems, clothing, and even wearables can develop a proper understanding of their users and the time it takes to achieve thermal comfort.

Build Better Models with our Database

This extension works within TAIThermTM to provide a transient analysis of the human based on activity level, clothing layers, and vehicle or weather conditions. It contains a large database of human models with both male and female physiology and many clothing options. The database allows you to set up simulations quicker and create models to meet your design specifications.

Berkeley Comfort Model

The Berkeley Comfort Model is an advanced metrics system integrated into the Human Thermal Extension to assess localized thermal comfort. It allows you to analyze how comfortable a human is in your design at precise points on the human body.

Male & Female Models

The Human Thermal Extension contains built-in male and female descriptions that are scalable by height, weight, and body fat content. This information offers a better look at thermal management for different human bodies.

Customizable Human Physiology Model

In the Human Thermal Extension, you can simulate the human model based on physical fitness and climate changes, allowing you to understand sweat rates, shivering rates, and blood flow. It also predicts skin and core temperatures to give you a complete understanding of human thermal comfort.

See What The Human Thermal Extension Can Do

Want to see how the Human Thermal Extension could work for you? Reach out, and we will set up a time to walk through a live demo with you. One of our technical sales representatives can show you how our fast, transient software can solve your thermal management issues.


Getting Started


We offer hands-on training to help you implement the Human Thermal Extension. Each year we offer two training sessions in southeast Michigan. Or we can come to your office and deliver training tailored to your needs.



Start on your own. Our step-by-step tutorials cover basic and advanced techniques. Once you have a software license, these tutorials are available for you to advance your knowledge.


We are here to answer your questions at every step. We support our customers before and after the sale. Our commitment to you doesn’t change.